SAP Roles

Positions and skill sets we seek and place.

Our Focus

At High Cliff Partners, our people are specialists, not generalists.

While we work in many industries, SAP is what we know best. We bring a combination of industry experience, SAP knowledge, and consulting services to every challenge. If you’re seeking your next SAP consultant job, High Cliff Partners offers support, opportunity, and flexibility. Our goal is to connect you with the right position in the industry you choose.

SAP Roles We Actively Place:

SAP Skills:


News and advice for SAP professionals and employers.

Above clouds. This is 3d render illustration

Get Motivated

Today, we’re going to focus on 5 ways to turn negative thoughts into positive action. You have a lot of potential – start recognizing it!...

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Working process at office.Group of young coworkers work together modern coworking studio.Young people making conversation with partners.Horizontal Wide.Blurred background.

Build Trust

Trust is essential when building a healthy and productive work environment. Whether you’re leading an entire department or work hand in hand with a just a...

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